Sunday, March 1, 2009

Exciting Day in Paraguay!

Today is an exciting day in Asuncion, Paraguay!

The Capiata Iglesio de Cristo (pictured on top) and the Sacremento Street Igesia de Cristo (bottom picture) are merging into one congregation today.

Although it doesn't sound promising when we lose a congregation within His kingdom, this may be one of those rare times when much good comes from it. Capiata is a smaller congregation on the outskirts of Asuncion made up of about 30 members. Many of them have been mature, faithful Christian for many years. In fact many of them drive out to Capiata to worship there. Sacramento is made up of about 60-70 members, many of whom are converted within the last five years. This merger will provide an opportunity for some of the older, more mature Christians to teach, guide, and influence several young, growing Christians. What a wonderful opportunity! Also, the two congregations will now be able to pool their resources, which will allow them to concentrate their evangelistic efforts.

It is our prayer and hope that elders will soon be appointed within the congregation and that evangelistic training will flourish within this growing church. Please pray for our brethren in Asuncion and these efforts.

In addition, Andrea and Cara are there on a survey trip and will get to witness this historic event in the history of the church in Paraguay. It is indeed an exciting day in Paraguay.

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